Fear is contagious— it’s worse than the virus – don’t tell horror stories .

You are not alone in feeling a range of emotions – WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and EVERYONE  feels anxious from time to time . 

(but the function of anxiety is to keep us safe ) fear or flight 

Keep a routine 

Do not talk about unhappy conclusion s / catastrophise or tell horror stories to others or let others dwell on it . It IS necessary however to take in the situation, look at it but let it go . If you do have a wobble or panic – know that is it natural and even with a panic attack – you will get over it . It’s just your Fear or Flight mechanism kicking in . PROCESS , ACCEPT , COPE remind yourself of all the obstacles you have overcome in the past . You could write down your fears in a journal but then let go of them . 

It’s great to go inside yourself to be still and remove all the clutter in your head – possibly in a peaceful place in nature . If you can’t go to nature , imagine a beautiful place in yr head and relax each part of your body one by one . 

If you find that you are now in a constant stream of video conference s – zoom make sure that you break every one and a half hours . Do not do continuously . Have breaks – schedule white  space in yr diary and look away from the screen from time to time . Do not do conferences after 9 pm . The photons in the back lit screen will tell your brain to be continually alert which is exhausting. Turn off the audio when you can . Stand or walk when audio is off . 

Take deep breaths from your diaphragm because when we are anxious our breath comes up to our throats . 

Wear colourful clothes ( anxious people start wearing black and grey ) get dressed properly each day and get into a routine. Make your bed properly. 

Put a colourful envelope or something of colour in each room . 

Focus away from yourself and give yourself good thoughts 

Every day do a good deed for someone else ( even giving a smile to a stranger is a great gift ) 

I can cope 

There are so many wonderful acts of kindness around 

I will help someone else 

Every day think of 5 things you have to be grateful for 

People have car accidents because they are going over and over scenarios in their heads ‘ he said , she said ‘ etc – process but let go . 

Worrying does not achieve anything will only make you feel worse and effect your IMMUNITY system 

LISTEN to the news once a day – Do not WATCH disturbing images on TV they will filter into your subconscious. ( I bet you can remember the pivotal scene from your favourite movie – James Bond for example , your subconscious has the image ) you would struggle to remember any dialogue from the movie though . By watching disturbing images over and over , they go into your subconscious. No point of worrying. Much of the news is speculation and scaremongering… it changes . Worrying reduces your IMMUNE system ( also dwelling on bad situations) when you do listen – only listen to NHS or BBC 

Realise that you can’t control everything and that is ok . Make a list of things you can control , like your home and focus on those . 

Keep upbeat music on . Music has the ability to change our mood much more than theatre or Tv . Upbeat music will lift your mood . Dance to the music . No one is watching ! 

Every hour and a half have a break even if you are not working . Face time can also be intense- It can be a cup of tea , a short walk or just going to the loo ! If you don’t stop you will combust 

Drink Water ( one and a half to two litres per day ) stop at 6 pm except for odd glass , so that you don’t run to the bathroom in the night . If you are going out for a walk stop one hour before- you can expect two pees an hour . 

Don’t lie in bed too long in the morning . ( unless you are unwell ) 

Get fresh air into your lungs by going round the block or if not possible by sitting by open window and taking deep breaths . 

Don’t blame – example – the government or conspiracy theory’s. When we are anxious- it helps to blame . Now it is scary to blame the government so people are turning to memes . 

Relax your body , then Take the love that you have for others and give it to yourself 

What is your passion? Remember what made time go quickly for you as a child ( playing an instrument etc ) be creative and do it now – be creative 

Get dressed every day and make your bed . Exercise every day . Keep a journal to include goals and dreams . 

Nothing and no one is fixed or permanent