I do have a large Sports Programme that is mostly corporate and supports high profile teams in London over three months.

However, I could CHERRY PICK for your HOTEL guests on a shorter programme. I could give Motivational Talks, Q and A s followed by a generic Goal Setting / relaxation session twice a week – say on a Monday and Wednesday, then the guests could be given the option of seeing me privately on site during their stay or to book in, in London on their return.

To provide continuity for residents outside the UK – I could offer telephone sessions on their return to their own country.

Subjects can include ……

  • The Three Factors of Athletic Success
  • Arousal and Anxiety
  • Goal Setting
  • Creating an Action Plan
  • Imagery and Rehearsal
  • Use of Imagery in Sport
  • Focus , concentration , and The Zone
  • Self Talk
  • Using Anger in Sport