Anxiety in children over world issues
Moniter how much TV your children watch and what they are watching. Ask them what information they are receiving and what is their understanding of the situation. That will help you get a hold of their understanding and their anxiety.
Do not allow them to watch the rolling news on TV. This news is repeated but the children do not know that so they may interpret it as happening over and over again or more numbers involved. This leads to acute anxiety.
Please write a list of the children’s support group i.e. family , friends, professionals who could help them. Stick this list on the fridge and when anyone in the family is feeling wobbly they can be reassured by their support group.
Keep calm when you are speaking to the children and reassure you are doing all measures to be safe. Make yourself available to listen and talk to them.
Do not blame – when people are anxious they feel better if they blame someone, however this is not helpful. We were blaming the government and now it seems to have shifted to conspiracy theories. Please tell the children that not all these stories are true. Ask your children if they have any questions or what they are worried about. Find out if they are obtaining the wrong information. And we are all working on climate change.
Try to get them to play outside as much as possible. Don’t worry if you have to say ‘ I don’t know’ ….
Avoid frightening fantasies or games. However don’t avoid talking about things if they are frightening – discuss with the child and say ‘I know you are scared and thats OK. I am here. And I am here and I will help you. Try to explain to the child that their thoughts affect how they feel.
Try to change the frightening thoughts and find the roots. Tell the child it’s a bully in their head! You can even give the bully a name like Mr. Bossy – this will help face fears.